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Soft Guide to Loving/Knowing Yourself Better

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Tulane chapter.

Valentine’s Day is today, and for many that means either (A) celebrating a day of love with a significant other or (B) wallowing in self-pity for being alone. But I don’t think there is a single thing wrong with being alone. There’s no need to wallow. No matter who has come in or out of your life, you have been the only true constant, and you should celebrate that, no matter what day it is. It’s hard to learn who you are and even harder to learn to accept it, so I’ve generated a soft guide that should be flexible to your person to help you love yourself better.



And if the weather’s nice, do it outside. When you read, you learn, you escape, you’re focused. I believe reading is medicine for the mind and body, so pick up a book (whether it’s Dr. Seuss or Noam Chomsky) and start reading.


Look at yourself in the mirror.

Gaze into your own eyes for a few minutes once or more per day. Acknowledge that that’s you. You will never see yourself, physically at least, as you truly are, but apart from pictures, mirrors are the closest you can get. Falling in love with your reflection can help you fall in love with yourself.


Look at yourself in the mirror when you cry.

Tears express such great emotion, and you deserve to catch a glimpse of the boundless emotion you harbor. Recognize that you are hurt now or happy now but you cannot be hurt or happy forever.



I know you probably read this everywhere, but drinking water is so important. It makes your skin glow, circulates nutrients through the body, and generates a fresher, more proficient version of yourself. Humans are made up of approximately 60% water, so it is vital that we do not dehydrate ourselves.


Let your mind wander.

I think the best way to do this is occasionally watching mindless television programs you enjoy. When your mind wanders from the show at hand, let it, and revel in your own thoughts. I don’t think people let themselves go to think about whatever they want as often as they should. This is healthy and essential for understanding yourself.


Eat alone in public.

Enjoy a meal by yourself at a restaurant or cafeteria. Listen to music or read or just think while you eat. Let yourself taste each and every bite, as food was meant to be consumed. Think not only to yourself, but of yourself; be introspective and value your space and time.


Robe and wine.

Wearing a lovely robe while doing anything can make you feel effortlessly sexy and light. Pair that with a nice glass of (probably cheap unless you can afford the good stuff) wine and music for a splendid evening to yourself. If you are under aged or don’t drink, I still recommend drinking something out of a wine glass, whether it prosecco, cranberry juice, or water, because either way you’ll feel sophisticated and absolutely exquisite.


Picture Credit: Kris Krug

Nurah is a freshman at Tulane University studying English and Communications. She enjoys creative writing, music, pop culture, fashion blogs, and all things food. If she's not scrolling through her Netflix queue, you can find her pretending to study for midterms while actual scrolling through her Twitter feed (@savedbigmoney) or blogging (rubyinsomniac.wordpress.com).