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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Tulane chapter.

It’s the end of the school year: you’re super stressed and busy, and your funds are dwindling. You wish there were some way to pad up your bank account before the summer. Have no fear. There are plenty of easy ways to sneak in making extra money so you can start off the summer season on a financially savvy foot.


Sell, sell, sell.

  • It seems obvious enough, but selling your stuff to get rid of it can yield big profits (especially as you’re trying to downsize before moving for the summer). It might seem like a hassle, but you’ll thank yourself later if you go online to sell unwanted books, clothes, jewelry, furniture, household items, etc. 

(Think Amazon, Chegg.com, eBay, Craigslist… even check out http://www.vinted.com/ which is a great site for selling & swapping clothes)


Get innovative.

  • Chances are you have a skill or service that can make you cash right now. Websites like https://www.fiverr.com/ can help you get in touch with people who need your expertise and want to pay you for it. If you get creative, you’re bound to make some extra cash this way (what about starting an Etsy shop? https://www.etsy.com/). With an entrepreneurial spirit, you’ll soon realize how much you have to offer that people want to pay you for.


Don’t say no to odd jobs.

  • Once you’re more aware of it, you’ll realize there are always random things that people need done that you can do for a few bucks. This could mean cleaning, organizing, car washing, lawn mowing, plant watering, dog walking, pet sitting/feeding, babysitting, housesitting, chauffeuring, personal shopping, tutoring, even sewing (hemming or repairing!) the list goes on and on. Don’t sell yourself short by turning down these opportunities as they arise… the cash adds up fast if you agree to do even a few of these things!


College is dang expensive and there’s no way around it. But, by thinking outside of the box and doing a little research, you’ll be happily surprised about your earning potential.