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How to Stay Healthy in Bruff

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Tulane chapter.

It’s safe to say that we probably did not eat so healthy during Mardi Gras…McDonalds, Rally’s, and Popeyes anyone? Now that Spring Break is over, it’s time to go back to  eating normally and healthily. For those of us on the meal plan, here are two simple ways to stay healthy at Bruff:

1)   Yogurt and Granola

Yogurt and granola is perfect because you can eat it any hour of the day and it gives you protein. You can also put fruit and honey in your yogurt to switch it up!


2)   Chicken Breast

Even though the grill line takes a long time, chicken is the perfect way to get protein and to have a great dinner. Put grilled chicken over salad and you have a perfect combination of healthy and yummy.


Although it seems tempting, here are two things to avoid at Bruff:


1)   Pasta

First off, the pasta bar takes way too long. Second, your pasta usually ends up being overcooked and undercooked at the same time. Pasta is a load of carbs, and unless you’re getting chicken in it, you’re pretty much just getting carbs and oil.


2)   Cereal

Although sometimes it seems like there is absolutely nothing to eat at Bruff, do not just get cereal instead. Cereal has no protein in it and doesn’t fill you up. Cereal is basically just a bowl of sugar and carbs, and can’t be counted as an actual meal.





Her Campus Tulane