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How to Avoid Political Discussions During Thanksgiving

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Tulane chapter.

It’s that time of year again, my peeps. Thanksgiving is rapidly approaching, which for most of us means that we’re going to encounter some relatives who MIGHT have different views than us (and these views might be a little more on display this year, since 2016 was an election year in case you hadn’t heard). I know that I personally don’t agree with a lot of what my family posts as their Facebook statuses, so I thought it might be a little beneficial to create a handy-dandy guide to avoiding sensitive subjects at dinner on Thursday (or technically lunch because we all decide to eat at 3 in the afternoon on Thanksgiving), and to give suggestions for more enjoyable topics to discuss other than politics.

What to do if your relative mentions: Benghazi, emails, etc…

Benghazi almost sounds like…..BOYFRIEND if you try really hard, and claim to be partially deaf. Don’t you want to know why I haven’t found a man yet, Aunt Insert-Name-Here? Doesn’t it almost seem like everyone else’s nieces and nephews have significant others except for me? I know you must have a nice young boy that you can set me up with! Please, continue passing judgment on why I’m still single, and forget all about international security incidents.


What to do if your relative mentions: Those whiny “Black Lives Matter” people

You know who the really whiny and lazy and ungrateful ones are Grandma? Millenials!!! Aren’t you going to ask if I have plans to move out of my parents’ house after graduation? I’m sure you must be very interested on what my student debt situation is like, and I know, all us kids do are stare at our phones and “Facebook all our problems”, so you must have a very well thought out plan on what I should be doing to avoid becoming another useless college graduate.


What to do if your relative mentions: Donald Trump, making America great again, etc…

Speaking of becoming another useless college graduate, making America great again is our responsibility, right Cousin Who-Already-Has-a-Post-Grad-Job? Please, ask me more about what my job offers are like, and what my potential starting salary is going to be. It’s not at all invasive, and doesn’t come off as condescending when you tell me that “Something is bound to come along soon!”. And yes, feel free to bring over your parents, because I love stuttering and vaguely saying “I’m still figuring it out” while looking like I’m about to hurl.


And there you have it. Relationships, lazy millenials, and post-graduate life: three topics that are sure to switch any conversation from becoming an uncomfortable political debate into a super comfortable discussion about why you are failing at life harder than anyone who has ever come before you. Happy Thanksgiving everyone!


Her Campus Tulane