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Five Movies that Should Be On Netflix Instant Streaming

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Tulane chapter.

Let’s just get this out of the way: Netflix is pretty much the greatest thing ever. Thanks Reed Hastings and Marc Randolph (yes, I did have to Google that…not that big of a Netflix trivia buff) for providing us with a website that enables you to sit for hours in your bed binge-watching How I Met Your Mother while simultaneously stuffing microwave popcorn in to your mouth.

But there’s just one little problem. Everyone has that one movie they can watch over and over again…and what happens if nothing pops up when you type the title in to Netflix’s handy search bar? Yes, I’m sure there’s a perfectly reasonable reason why it isn’t featured, and yes, I’m sure there are other ways to watch the movie, but can’t a girl dream?

So here’s my humble plea for the movies I would like to see featured under the “New Arrivals” tab:

(500) Days of Summer


It’s pretty obvious that my main reason for campaigning for this movie is going to be Joseph Gordon-Levitt. So I’ll go for one of my other passions in my plea for why this movie needs to be on instant streaming: the dance sequence. What could be better than Hall & Oates synchronized dancing and animated birds? Not much, that’s the answer.

The Fast and the Furious

In the interest of full disclosure there is a movie on Netflix entitled The Fast and the Furious (1955) but I’m pretty sure it isn’t as oddly inspiring and the car chases are as cool as the version I’m talking about.  And truth be told, sometimes all I want to do after a stressful test or insane essay is lay in bed and watch an exciting car chase with a sappy love story mixed in.

The Lizzie McGuire Movie

One word: nostalgia. Sometimes you just want to make chocolate chip cookies and lay on the floor and watch an embarrassing early-2000’s movie for old time’s sake. And even when I watched this movie for the first time in years a couple weeks ago, I was still enormously entertained. Music that makes you want to sing in to your hairbrush, cute Italian boys and a case of mistaken identity? What more could a girl want?

Remember the Titans

There’s something about inspirational sports movies that gets me every time. This tale, inspired by a true story, is one of my all time favorites. It’s just one of those movies that I absolutely have to watch every time I stumbled upon it on TV, so I am consistently disappointed every time I remember that I can’t watch it on Netflix.

The O.C.

Yes I know this isn’t a movie (but hint, hint, it totally should be) but The O.C was a quintessential the part of the vast majority of our childhoods, whether we’re willing to admit to it or not.  At one point I could quote the characters at will and had pretty much an encyclopedic knowledge of every episode that ever aired, and despite the fact that midterm season is upon us, I’d like to get unique skill set back.

Her Campus Tulane