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10 Things I Learned About Campus Dining This Year

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Tulane chapter.

As the year comes to a close, and as I sit here wishing I had more wavebucks so I didn’t have to eat yet another meal at Bruff, I can say I have learned a lot in between my first meal on campus and now. I’ve had many great, and many not so great, on campus dining experiences but overall I don’t have too much to complain about. As I look back at the year, I realize that on campus dining isn’t THAT bad. Here are some overall tips and advice I have for incoming freshmen for on campus dining:

1)   Luff is always greater than Bruff. Luff has so many more options, including a bigger salad bar, ice cream selection, and always has some sort of stir-fry.

2)   If the pasta line in Bruff doesn’t have pesto, get your pasta or just vegetables with soy sauce. It’s always good!

3)   The “French Vanilla Café” in the cappuccino machine in Bruff is amazing. For those of you that don’t like coffee, this is the perfect drink.

4)   Eat as many cookies in Bruff as you can, and bring some (10) for the walk back. Bruff cookies are the perfect late night snack. Stuff some ice cream in between those cookies while you’re at it. Or dip it in milk. Or eat 3 in a row.

5)   Ice cream sandwiches ARE NOT overrated.

6)   If you’re planning on drinking, do NOT eat LBC sushi. Or any sushi for that matter.

7)   On the note of LBC sushi, be careful about what sushi you eat at the LBC. It wouldn’t be the first time someone got food poisoning from that sushi.

8)   If all else fails at Bruff, yogurt and granola is always the way to go.

9)   Get beans, cheese, and veggies…put it in a tortilla…and bam! You got yourself a burrito (kind of…)

10)  There really is always something to eat at Bruff, and although it may seems like it at times, there is no place like Bruff.


Her Campus Tulane