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Love Guru: Love Songs That Apply to Our Lives

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Tufts chapter.


Hey Collegiettes! Love Guru here, and this week, music is on my mind. Flowers, chocolates, and poetry can be useful in romancing our significant others, but a good song can go a long way. What girl doesn’t wish to be serenaded from her balcony, 80’s rom-com style? Music plays a large role in the world of love, so this week I went around campus asking your fellow Collegiettes which song lyrics best described their love lives. Here’s what they had to say:


Let’s begin with the freshmen…


Freshman guy: I think my love live is best described by the famous Queen lyrics, “Another one bites the dust.”

Although that is a great song, I would look into fixing that problem. Sometimes, it’s nice to have someone in your life that is there for the long run.


Freshman girl: My love life is best described by Tove Lo in her song, “Habits.” She says, “You’re gone, and I’ve got to stay high all the time.”

Honey, I know where you’re coming from. But it’s time to face the truth: he’s not coming back, and sulking and smoking won’t make anything better. Come to terms with reality, and move on.


Now the sophomores…


Sophomore guy: Or Nah comes to mind when I think about my love life. The lyrics, “Can I bring another bitch or nah?” really do it for me.

All right, Casanova. I appreciate your honesty and all, but maybe you should be asking yourself why you need more than one lover in order to be satisfied. Also, I recommend that you drop the derogative terms. Most women aren’t fond of them.


Sophomore girl: I think that Britney Spears best described my love life when she sang, “Oops, I did it again.”

I think we’ve all been there, girl. But making the same mistake over and over again can be harmful in more ways than one. If you’re not truly sorry that you did it again, continue on with it. Sometimes it feels good to be a little naughty.


And the juniors…


Junior guy: 50 cent’s lyrics, “I love you like a fat kid loves cake,” are definitely accurate when it comes to my love life.

Buddy, it sounds to me like you’re in love, and you’ve got it bad. Enjoy it while you’ve got it; and make the best out of your romantic situation.


Junior girl: JLo said it best when she sang, “Waiting for tonight”.

I know exactly what you mean. Sometimes, it’s really hard to get through the day when you know that you have something great awaiting you.


Finally, the seniors…


Senior guy: No matter how many girls turn me down, I will always believe that, “My heart will go on”. You can’t go wrong with Titanic.  

I’m sorry that you’ve been let down by the ladies lately; but that’s a great outlook to have on your love life. Who knows? Your next great love may be around the corner. We’ll have to wait and see.


Senior girl:  The Local Natives sang, “Who knows, who cares,” and that’s just how I feel about my love life.

That’s totally fair. Sometimes, we have so many other things in life going on that love is just not a priority. It’s okay to want to dedicate time to yourself over your love life. At times, it’s healthier that way.


As you can see by the song lyrics that your fellow Collegiettes chose, love lyrics can be perceived in many different ways by the people around us. Some people are romantics, some are scorned ex-lovers, some are just ready to start dating again, and some just don’t have time for the romance. The song lyrics that best describe love in my mind are, “There are times when you don’t give me a smile, I lie awake at night and worry for a while,” from James Blunt’s song, Heart to Heart.  Sometimes someone has such a pull on you that his or her happiness becomes just as important to you as yours; and that for me is true love. As you can see, music and love are heavily intertwined in our world; so next time you put the radio on, try to listen to song lyrics. It’ll give you some insight on the artists, and you might even find that you like the songs more than ever before. That’s it for this week, Collegiettes.



Your Tufts Love Guru

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Hi I'm Caro. I'm a member of the Tufts Her Campus, and love writing for my fellow women. HCXO