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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Tufts chapter.

We’ve all had those days when we’re just too lazy to make the trek to the gym but still want to get in a workout. These five ways to exercise in your dorm room will provide you with the necessary tools to stay fit without hassle.

1. Take advantage of the many fitness apps and videos available in the App Store and online.

There are so many fitness routines that are specifically made for people who are looking to do fast, effective workouts in non-gym spaces. My favorite is Fitnessblender on Youtube. They have all different kinds of workouts, ranging from eight minutes to an hour in length.

2. Use the furniture in your room as equipment.
Empty wall space is perfect for wall sits, and your desk chair can be used to work your triceps. Simply sit at the end of the chair and lower yourself down toward the floor until your arms form a 90-degree angle.
3. Textbooks can double as weights.
You’ve probably complained about having to carry your heavy textbooks around campus. Now is the perfect excuse to use that weight to your advantage! You can work your glutes and legs by holding a textbook or two while doing squats.
4. Take advantage of open space.
You don’t have to be on a cardio machine to get in a cardio workout. Exercises like jumping jacks, burpees, and step ups can all be done without a machine and still elevate your heart rate.
5. Dance.
Dancing is a great way to burn calories without any equipment, and it’s an equally fun way to elevate your mood and release stress. Because there’s no one to judge your dance moves, feel free to go all out.
If you’re interested in other ways to stay fit, check out these 7 Tips to Navigate Dewick as a Health Nut to find out ways to eat healthier in the dining hall.