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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Towson chapter.

Spring is finally upon us! That means saying goodbye to big, puffy winter jackets, bare branches, and sidewalks that look like a sea of slushies. It’s finally time for Old Man Winter retreat back to the southern hemisphere and that got us feelin’ some type of way. 

You’re happier and you don’t even know why.

Maybe it has something to do with the extra hour of sunshine.

Or maybe it’s the fact that summer break is only a few short weeks away.

And the pretty colors and smells around campus is a definitely lifting your spirits.

You’re more distracted than ever, but how can anyone expect you to focus in class when it’s just so pretty out?

You’re a hell of a lot more body conscious because bikini season is fast approaching.

You’re feeling adventurous now that it is actually tolerable enough to go outside.

The world is in bloom and so are you.

Do you have a case of spring fever? 

Dhara Patel studies Mass Communications at Towson University. She would be sorted into Slytherin house, puts hot sauce on everything, and thinks bagels are bae.