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Freshman Diary: Things I Definitely Do Not Miss About High School

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Towson chapter.

I am starting a new series about my life at Towson as a freshman. I will periodically write articles detailing my impressions, troubles, and opinions about Towson! To start it off, here is my list of things I definitely do not miss about high school.


Waking Up

I still have to get up early for my 8 AMs, but that’s a luxury compared to getting to school at 7:15.



They made the day feel too organized. Honestly, sometimes I felt like a lab rat. College is so much more relaxed. If a professor feels like letting you out twenty minutes early, they will!



I don’t know about other people, but this was always the worst time of the day. The cafeteria was loud, the chairs were uncomfortable, the food was horrible, and my school’s cafeteria was always so cold.


Strict Teachers

I’m talking about the teachers who honestly thought that they were God. One of my teachers only let us go to the bathroom during class twice a semester. Another made us stay standing until she had a seat, as if she were a judge entering a courtroom.



When you spend four years with the same small group of people, there’s bound to be friction.


Required Classes

I’m a freshman, so I still have a thousand gen eds to complete. But, at least I get to choose how I get to complete them, rather than being forced to take a specific course. (I’m throwing some serious shade at you, Chemistry.)


Dress Code

Once, my school tried to ban leggings as pants. They were giving out so many citations that they were forced to repeal the rule.