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Does Religion or Spirituality Still Have a Place in Our Lives?

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Towson chapter.

Politics and Religion; two topics that most college students avoid like the plague. We are told as younger children to mind our manners and above all things, we are not supposed to “stir the pot” or intentionally cause controversy. However, with these topics, especially with religious philosophies, we should have an open and ongoing dialogue. Religion does not have to be so controversial!

An abundance of young people today are choosing to have no religion at all; however, this can be potentially harmful. Those who turn away from spirituality and bigger or better deities are really missing out on a well-rounded moral set and diverse cultural education. Religions such as Christianity, Judaism, Buddhism, and the list goes on, teach followers to cherish and love others, take care of the planet, exemplify the importance of meditation and prayer, and teach about the importance of family and tradition. All of these topics are pretty important in life and relevant today, wouldn’t you say?

Across the nation, churches are trying to amp up the “entertainment” aspect of worship, as most normally view religion and religious services as “dull”. Individuals complain that preachers or priests drone on, and parishioners would rather sleep in on a Saturday or Sunday. From personal experience, understanding and following a religion takes YEARS to master; you could go your whole life and still be learning something new everyday. It takes much concentration and will, but paying attention and participating is well worth the effort.

Studying sacred religious texts and communicating with others regarding important themes and messages that ancient worshipers and leaders left for us is all a part of the endless excitement. Going to mass, Bible study, or to ‘temple’ is like a history lesson every single visit; everyone should realize the importance of history and its impact on the world.

In communities and college campuses alike, just like here at Towson University, there are plenty of clubs, opportunities, and classes in which to learn further about various religions or spiritual philosophies. Meeting people with similar interests and values is extremely gratifying, and while we are with our peers is when we truly learn the most.

So, before you roll your eyes and switch to another article, or get back to you daily life, remember that Religion is not a bad word; just because you hold certain beliefs does not make you an outcast. If you happen to be practicing no religion and are happy with that, it is not alright to belittle others who devote their lives to faith; but, I highly recommend researching any type of religion if it is devoid in your life. You just might learn something!



Hi! I currently attend Towson University with a double major in English and Mass Communication. I am actively involved on campus, and hope to inspire and aid as many collegiate women readers as possible.
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Towson '25