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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Texas chapter.

Most people assume that when a woman claims to be a feminist she is a heartless, men-hating, bra-burning woman. The myth is that feminists are all about degrading men and supporting only women. Misogynists, especially, love depicting feminists as women who are alone and refuse marriage and go around insulting men. But these are simply man-hating women, not feminists. In reality, feminists are the opposite. They support a broad set of theories, social and political movements; they are about “equality”, and they have a political and personal project to end sexism.


To be a feminist means to be a believer in empowerment. Feminism is supporting and advocating women’s rights on political, social, and economic equality. They want representation on political grounds. For example, more female representation in government. Women should not be degraded for deciding to not stay at home and pursuing a career. The fact that some still feel conservative values of keeping wives at home holds us back and prevents us from progressing forward. Even though laws claim equal pay for women and men, that is not true. In the 21st century women are still being paid less than men. All feminists want is equality. Feminists want to bridge the gap between men and women not further push them apart. There were three waves of feminism. The first wave was defining issue: right to vote, inheritance and property rights, the right to ride bikes. The second wave was defining issues: workplace inequality, sexual violence, reproductive rights, some lgbtqa issues. While the third and most current issue are defining the needs of women of color, economically disadvantaged communities, queer/trans women, representation, sex positivity and education.  

It’s important to remember that feminism does not preclude men. Men should be and many times are feminists themselves. That does not make them any less of a man. In fact, it makes them brave, and wiling to stand up to a status quo that’s been oppressive in so many instances in the past. That’s an example to all of us, to be courageous enough to support feminism––to support equality. 


Hi! I've lived in Texas all my life. Im an international relations major and pre-law student. I love running, swimming, cycling, working out, and just being outdoors
Eleni is a nerd who prefers to be called an intellectual. She loves pondering philosophical questions and reflecting on life as a twenty-something, both of which she does on her blog: sharingimpressions.com. Anyone creative and curious is welcome.