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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Texas chapter.

I hate to break it to you, collegiates, but we’ve been in school for three and a half weeks.


That’s right.  Only three and a half.


You might be in a little bit of a panic if you’ve only just realized how many classes (and how much homework) we have until Christmas, especially when you factor in how difficult it is to get out of bed for that pesky 8 a.m.  One has to ask: is it too early in the semester to start skipping classes?  We all know that attendance is crucial when it comes to certain courses, but everyone has at least one class in their schedule that’s oh-so-tempting to pass up in order to get some much needed shut-eye.

As much as it pains me to say this, we should NOT already be at the point in the year where we’re doing the math to see how many classes we can miss before our attendance grades start to suffer.  Trust me, the time for crunching the numbers will come eventually.  For now, however, we should all still have the ability to tame our inner hot-messes.  Here are things to keep in mind that will help you stay motivated as we really start getting into the year.


1.  Get a planner (and actually use it)

It seemed like every organization on campus was handing out planners during the first week of school.  If you somehow managed to miss the freebies, you can grab a planner from the Co-Op or pretty much any bookstore in the area (you can even order some really cute ones online if you’re so inclined).  Writing down your assignments and scheduling your days around what you have to get done will help you stay focused and organized.  It’ll also keep you from skipping class because you forgot to do the homework or didn’t have time to finish it.  You can also make it fun for yourself by getting different colored pens or decorative stickers for your planner; make it as cute as can be and show off your creativity (and organizations skills!)


2.  Think ahead

No one wants to think about getting sick, but cold and flu season is a big issue on college campuses.  UT is a big place, and working closely with people in your classes can be downright dangerous when everyone around you is fighting off a bug of some sort.  Think about what could happen if you did get sick sometime this semester: do you really want to have to drag yourself to class just because you already have too many absences?  Do yourself (and everyone around you) a favor and save the sick days for when you’re actually sick.  If you manage to stay healthy all semester, you can use those absences to stay sane when finals are right around the corner.


3.  Treat yourself

The best way to stay motivated is to give yourself something to be excited about after all your work is done.  It can be something as small as lunch with a friend or treating yourself to your favorite food.  Reminding yourself that you have something great to look forward to will keep you positive and focused while you’re studying for an exam or working through piles of homework.


4.  Put your health first

While it’s important to stay focused on your studies, remember that your physical and mental health should come first.  If you really need to take a mental health day in order to stay sane, take it.  Don’t feel bad about taking time for yourself; it doesn’t make you lazy, it makes you human.  If you’re ever feeling overwhelmed or like you need to talk to someone, don’t hesitate to contact UT’s Counseling and Mental Health Center.  Going to class is crucial, but you should never risk your own well-being for the sake of your grades.


These first few weeks have been a little crazy, but it’s time to get our ducks in a row.  Take a deep breath, get organized, and go forth and conquer, collegiates!  I have the utmost faith that you can make this the best year yet.

I am Corisa but a lot of my friends call me Cori! I feel like the real life Hannah Horvath from Girls.