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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Texas chapter.

Midterms are here but before you rip all of your hair out, take solace in the fact that it’s almost over! Here are a few tips to get you through these next couple of weeks full of exams and walk out feeling victorious!

1. Do not starve your body of sleep!

Did you know that sleep plays a major role in the cognitive processes of your brain? Sleep loss affects your thinking, learning abilities, and your concentration! Basically, give your brain the rest it needs so that you can wake up ready to learn, and be able to recall information you store away more effectively.

2. Meditation is your friend
During this time, it’s only natural for any college kid to feel under pressure and totally overwhelmed. Here’s your cure: meditation! Meditating can help reduce any negative emotions you feel whirling around in your body! All it takes is a few minutes for you to close your eyes, breathe, and focus on the positive! If you’re into yoga, pull out your mat and find your center! This will definitely restore your inner peace, and wash your mind with a wave of calm!
3. Confidence is key
The only way to know whether or not you will do well on an exam is to actually put in the work! That means: study, study, oh and did I mention study? Only you know what study methods works best for you so do whatever it takes! Review the weekly readings, review your notes, participate in study groups with classmates, visit the TA’s with any questions, and even the professor if needed! But the key to passing an exam is definitely knowing your stuff! Study=confidence=good results!
4. Reward yourself, immediately after it’s over!
After hours of studying and 50 questions later, you definitely deserve a reward when you’re done with an exam! Whether that is a day of doing absolutely nothing, or a yummy treat from Tiff’s Treats! Thank yourself for all of the hard work you’ve done, even though you haven’t gotten the results back yet! That A+ in your near future calls for something much more epic! So until then, catch up with friends if you’ve lost a few social hours, see a movie or head to the nail salon to touch up those tips for flipping through a million pages of your textbook! Relax, recover, restore, and when the next wave of exams arrive, you’ll be ready!
Breanna J. Williams (Breanna J for short) is a Contributing Writer for the Her Campus Texas branch! Currently, she is a junior at the University of Texas at Austin studying Youth and Community Studies as an Education major and an English Minor! (whew!) She enjoys writing poetry, short stories and recently she began to dabble in writing plays! Aside from her passion for writing, Breanna is also a lover of fashion, dance, art and culinary goodness! Be sure to check out her newly updated articles every other week on various HC Features, and be on the lookout for the link to her new blog! Cheers! 
I am Corisa but a lot of my friends call me Cori! I feel like the real life Hannah Horvath from Girls.