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Home Sweet Home: 4 Thanksgiving Desserts

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Texas chapter.

There are three things every collegiate woman plans to do within the next week; 1) Sleep, 2) Diflect any questions about your relationship status from your aunts and 3) eat. Luckily, Her Campus Texas can help you with that last one. Here are 4 non-traditional Thanksgiving desserts to accompany your pumpkin pie and to comfort you when your pushy, but well-meaning, grandma says “No boyfriend at all? But you’re so pretty!” 

1. Caramel Apple Cheesecake Crumble Bars 

Cook time: 60 minutes 

Supplies Needed: Large, small and medium bowls. 8-inch square pan. A very big sweet tooth. 

2. Oreo Acrorns

Cook Time: 1 Hour 

Supplies Needed: Something to melt the chocalate with and something to grind the oreos. A squirrel-like desire to scarf these down. 

3. Snickers Tart

Cook Time: 2 Hours (1 for cooling)

Supplies Needed: 25 cm long tart tin. Large Bowl. 

Have a snickers tart. You’re not yourself when you’re hungry. 

4. Apple Ring Cake

Cook Time: 45 mintues 

Supply Needed: Spring form tube pan. 2 large bowls. 

It’s actually what’s not needed for this cake that makes it interesting. It’s gluten free, grain free, vegan and sugar-free.