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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Texas chapter.

The pink, the red, the hearts. We all know what day is upon us. Bring out the googly-eyed couples and giant teddy bears everyone, Valentine’s Day is here! For me, February 14th has always been a day filled with a dash of dread and twinge of jealousy. (I mean we don’t even get school off so how am I supposed to consider it an actual holiday??) But then in my quest for a more positive outlook on my life, I’ve accepted it for what it is. It’s a day celebrating love. Love in all its forms is a beautiful thing. Just because you don’t have a signficant other bringing you chocolates and flowers does not mean you are not surrounded by it.

My valentines, 365 days of the year, are my best friends.  The girls I can count on to bring me a Starbucks and a hug when I want it and a reality check when I need it. In the wise words of one Charlotte York from Sex and the City, “maybe we could be each other’s soul mates, and then we could just let men be these great, nice guys to have fun with.” The proverbial “one” may not be a boy, but the greatest friends you’ve ever had. The women I surround myself with have been there for me through every single defining moment of my life and have never left. These are truly the loves of my life. At any moment of any day, they’ve been ready to help me at the drop of an extremely fashionable hat. They’ve inspired me and changed me for the better. A date on a calendar shouldn’t designate when you tell someone you love them. Whether it be February 14th or March 25th, always let the people in your life know how much you care about them.

I refuse to spend my Valentine’s Day sad and mopey like one of the seven dwarves because I don’t have a boyfriend (If you do have one, that’s great though!).  That’s much too time consuming. It will be spent surrounded by the laughter and love of my main ladies and a plethora of Victoria’s Secret underwear.

Valentine’s Day has forced me to think about the really fabulous people in my life.  The ones you can see as bridesmaids at your wedding. The ones who will still be wearing high heels with you when you’re both 80, sitting in bedazzled rocking chairs. The soul mates. The truly rare and truly remarkable species of the best friend. That’s what love is all about.

Also, think of all the chocolate that’s going to be on sale the next day! If that’s not true love, I’m not sure what is.