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Unique Student Organizations on Temple’s Campus

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Temple chapter.

Think of student organizations on campus.

Did a paranormal club cross your mind? Didn’t think so.

 On Temple’s campus, Hoot Paranormal is a Temple student organization for those curious about the unknown. The group receives training from professional paranomal investigators and even conducts their own investigations across the city. Besides Hoot Paranormal, there are many other organizations that stand out with their uniqueness amongst the well-known sororities, academic clubs and societies at Temple.  

One of these standouts is C.R.A.T.E., a.k.a. the Competitive Robotics at Temple Engineering. This organization not only builds and designs robots, but also takes part in competitions and volunteer work. It’s not limited to engineering majors, but welcomes all majors.

Another unique organization along the lines of dorky awesomeness is Temple University Gamers Guild. The Gamers Guild is an organization for lovers of all types of games, including video games, tabletop games, and trading card games. The group not only plays games, but also discusses the culture of gaming through lectures and talks. Recently, the Gamers Guild held a “Dungeons and Dragons” workshop, which was a fun way to geek out about the nature of play.

You may be familiar with dance organizations on campus, but one you might not have heard of is Belly Dancing Club. Belly Dancing Club is exactly what it sounds like – a club for people to enrich themselves in the culture and art of belly dancing. Auditions are required, but no prior experience is necessary to join. If you do get in the club, you’ll get a chance to show off your newly learned skills during on-campus performances while wearing a really cool dance uniform. Not only is it an interesting organization to add to your schedule, but it is also a great, fun way to stay in shape.

For many students, part of college life is drinking. If you are extremely enthusiastic about frosty cold ones, then Temple University Craft Beer Club is for you. Craft Beer Club is unique in its mission to teach students that beer is more than just a way to get drunk. The organization aims to expand student’s horizons on beer and the history of it. It’s a win-win situation – you can have a drink with friends and you can also learn something new.

Perhaps the most eclectic organization on campus is Temple Tea Time. Temple Tea Time is a student organization for those interested in Japanese culture. Its goal is to bring Japanese “maid and butler” cafés to Temple. The organization’s café events include a mixture of Japanese food (served by a maid or butler), music and fun. If you join the organization, you can become a maid or butler and rock an awesome outfit. If you don’t have time to join, be sure to check out one of its events! They recently held a maid café/Pokémon tournament in conjunction with the Gamers Guild.

Unique organizations give students a chance to meet people, try new things and expand their horizons. They also give students the opportunity – whether it be through creating robots or belly dancing – to learn more about themselves.

Jennifer Nguyen is a senior journalism student at Temple. She has been a part of Her Campus Temple since its formation in 2010 and being a part of HCTU has been one of the best things she has ever done. She aspires to be a magazine writer in New York after graduation. Jennifer is passionate about learning more about the world around her and hopes to travel the world one day. As a journalist, she strives to share the stories of people whose voices need to be heard. In her spare time, she loves reading French literature, learning languages and watching Bravo reality TV shows.