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7 Easy Resolutions to Start Right Now

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Temple chapter.


Because January was a trial month, right?

1. Make different “treat yo’self” habits.


You probably associate the words “treat yo’self” with indulging in snacks, drinks, and desserts that usually aren’t so healthy. Often, after you munch on those unhealthy foods, you end up feeling worse than you did before. Try treating yourself to something that will actually reward you. Instead of “reading” your textbook, crack open one of those leisure books you brought to school and never found time to read (Did someone say 50 Shades of Grey?). If you need to de-stress, take an Über to the local SPCA and spend some time with the animals. Also while most teachers wouldn’t recommend this, treat yourself to a day of no classes. Find a day during the week where you don’t have exams or pressing lectures to attend and spend it relaxing and catching up on work instead. The options are endless, just try to stay away from the buttery croissant you’ve been eyeing up.


2. Drink more water.



The key to drinking more water is simple: buy a cute water bottle. The investment is worth it! Whether it’s plastic with your school’s name on it or a stylish glass from Lululemon, find one that fits your style and actually get your money’s worth out of it. Don’t know how much water is suggested to stay hydrated? Take your weight, divide it in half, and that’s how much you need in ounces. The benefits of drinking water far outweigh the irritation of having to use the bathroom more frequently. Water aids in clearing skin, energizing muscles, and even curbing your appetite. Drink up, ladies!


3. Step up your workout game.



You may not think this falls under the “easy” category, but it can. If you’re stuck in a fitness rut, try a free Zumba or kickboxing class your school gym offers. If it’s nice outside, then go for a jog with friends. A simple rule that nutritionists and personal trainers swear by is: “30 minutes or three miles every day”. Simply put, you should aim for at least thirty minutes or three miles worth of moderate to intense exercise most days of the week. Change up your routine, workout with a friend or just make a new playlist; whatever you need to amp up your workout.


4. Give yourself “me” time.



Similar to treating yourself, giving yourself “me” time is integral to your overall health. The college years are tough when it comes to mental health. Everyone is facing similar struggles, and nobody is completely stable. So, we often exhaust ourselves helping others rather than paying attention to our own problems. Sometimes being selfish and putting yourself first is necessary. If you’re spiritual pray or read Scripture. If not start practicing yoga or journaling. Giving yourself an hour a day of personal reflection does wonders. You’ll surprise yourself when your efforts to guide your friends through their issues is more effective since you’ll be able to be fully focused on them, and not on yourself.



  1. 5. Cut the screen time.



According to Entrepreneur Magazine, the average millennial spends 18 hours a day consuming media. While Snapchat, Instagram and Twitter are all fun ways to kill time, they should not be how you consume your time. Being present in your real life will fulfill and validate you more than the 200 likes on your selfies ever will. Too much screen time can lead to headaches and can seriously affect your brain function. Psychology Today says that an extreme amount of screen time can lead to shrinkage of gray matter which are the “processing” parts of your brain (think: your frontal lobe, striatum, and insula). Try cutting down a little bit at a time. Instead of watching that extra episode on Netflix try reading a book or taking a walk…without your phone! Instead of snapping the cutie from Bio, meet up with him for coffee. Real, physical interaction is so much more rewarding than a wink emoji.



6. Eat mindfully.



Eating mindfully is easier than it may sound. It doesn’t entail changing your diet completely, but instead focusing on what and how you’re eating. Your diet should include mostly unprocessed, unpackaged and fresh foods. Many people eat these foods in large quantities, and when they don’t lose weight, they end up getting frustrated. Portion control is everything when it comes to eating. Serving suggestions should not be suggestions at all; they should be followed. Portion out all of your meals and take your time eating them. Enjoy the taste and the practice of eating. You’ll eat slower, which tricks your brain into thinking you’re eating more, thus you’ll feel fuller, faster. This applies to all foods. If you can’t live without ice cream, just eat it in moderation and slowly. You want the cookies ’n’ creme to last as long as possible, right?


7. Get an extra hour of sleep.


Ladies, sleep is imperative. According to HealthDay News, a study was performed on university students and results showed that most students are getting less than seven hours of sleep per night. That’s not enough Z’s for peak mental or physical performance. While the occasional all-nighter study session is okay, the National Sleep Foundation recommends college students get 7-9 hours of sleep most nights, if not more. Increased sleep will help you be more attentive in class, get the most out of your workouts, give you better memory retention, and even aid in weight loss. Those weekends spent partying until dawn will catch up to you, so take a weekend off every once in awhile and catch up on sleep instead.

Temple University, 2019. Magazine journalist and editor, fitness instructor, health and wellness enthusiast. Proponent of lists, Jesus, and the Oxford comma. Will do anything for an iced oatmilk latte. Follow my journey: Twitter + Instagram: @sarah_madaus
Logan is a junior journalism major, and serves as Campus Correspondent.  She is also the proud president of Delta Phi Epsilon, Delta Nu, her sorority. Logan is typically super busy, but still dedicates hours to reading a Cosmo from front to back...twice. Logan loves all things social media, especially following puppy accounts on Instagram. Her dream is to break into the magazine industry and help empower other women to pursue their dreams, whatever that may be.