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World Kindness Day

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at TCNJ chapter.

Although it has been a week since the election, in the present context of its aftermath, you might find that the last week has been full of anger, sadness, confusion, a lack of understanding and most of all, wonder at what the future will bring. Your Facebook feed is probably full of incredibly charged posts of people’s opinions, and you might find yourself needing a break.

In honor of World Kindness day, spread some love and make the world a better place, with just the simplest acts of kindness. Although World Kindness Day was on November 13th, you can make it Kindness week by carrying out some of these ideas, and by spreading love and positivity wherever you go!

  1. Give someone a hug.

Probably the easiest thing to do. Hug your roommate, or your neighbor. Maybe even your family and friends.

  1. Tell your family you love them!

Most of us probably don’t do this very often. So take the opportunity to just stop and tell them you love them for no reason. It would make your parents’ day.

  1. Pay it Forward.

Offer to pay for someone else’s coffee. Turn to the person in front of you or behind you and pay for their drink.

  1. Give a compliment.

You can take this as literally as you want to. Some of my floor mates have a bowl of compliments outside their door for anyone walking by to get one. If that’s not your thing, just compliment someone in person.

  1. Write a thank you note to someone who has helped you.

Maybe your CA’s are awesome people and they let you talk to them about anything. Maybe your professor is a really cool person. Maybe your roommate or neighbors have been there for you when you really needed them.

Whatever you decide to do, just do something. While you might be doing all this for other people, in the end, you really do help yourself, because it’s just a warm and fuzzy feeling on the inside when you make someone else happy. Just take a few minutes out of your day and bring a smile to someone else’s face. Trust me, it’ll be priceless.

Anandita is a junior at TCNJ, majoring in economics and minoring in English
TCNJ Senior Journalism major, Interactive Multimedia minor.