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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at TCNJ chapter.

At the start of a new school year, everything is possible. This semester you’re going to spend every afternoon in the library to get that 4.0 that has eluded you in the past. You’re going to look casual yet chic every time you step out of your dorm (it wasn’t you in those oversized sweats last year, you swear!). You’re going to do all the required readings without using Sparknotes. You’re going to join all ten of the clubs you signed up for at activities fair. You’re going to go to the gym.

The optimism (read: naiveté) that comes with each beginning semester often doesn’t even last until fall break. As classes get underway and the work starts piling up, some of your initial goals will become priorities, while others get overlooked. Usually, your workout routine is the first thing to go.

But this year, you can keep your study schedule, workout schedule, and even those guilty pleasure TV shows by following the TV show-workouts going viral on Pinterest. Odds are your favorite show has an easy-to-follow workout routine on the site that will get you moving without having to leave your dorm. These workouts certainly aren’t equivalent to hitting the gym or running the loop, but when you’re short on time and energy, they will be a great way to get your heart pumping.

If you don’t have a favorite show, (or you’re too obsessed with your show to miss a single moment doing crunches) HC TCNJ has a workout for you! Keep track of all the typical TCNJ experiences you have on campus each day, and use this guide to come up with your own quick workout that can be done in the comfort of your dorm.


TCNJ Lions Workout:

Every time you walk past the Pixels – 20 jumping jacks

Every time someone holds the door for you – 10 crunches (15 if they held the door while you were still awkwardly far away)

Every time Larry makes your day – 5 burpees

For each Eickhoff cookie you eat – 10 lunges on each leg

Every time you get a drink at the Library or Education Café – 10 pushups

Every time you walk past an ambassador tour – 15 squats