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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at TCNJ chapter.

One thing we should all be trying to focus on is turning the negative things we say, see, and feel, into positives!

When surrounded by negativity, it can be hard to see the positive side to things and to remember that there’s a purpose to everything you do. Sometimes you are the source of the negativity, when you start looking at the glass half empty instead of half full. It’s easy to tell yourself reasons why everything sucks- especially in the middle of a rough semester when you have a stack of homework sitting in front of you- but it’s important to remember how great a lot of other things are!

Instead of thinking about how much work you have to do, try and instead focus on how lucky you are and focus on your future. While it definitely isn’t fun to sit and spend hours doing homework now, remember that you’re in college because you know it’ll benefit you in the long run. There are so many people who don’t have that same opportunity.

Try this method with other things that might be weighing you down! Think instead about the benefit or the long term goal of everything you do and it becomes a serious weight off your shoulders. When you think about how things are helping you, you stop focusing on how much their hurting you. Things always make more sense and are easier to handle when there’s a purpose.

So the next time you go to say something negative or you’re in a crappy situation, think to yourself, “how can I turn this into a positive?” There are two sides to every coin.