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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at TCNJ chapter.

Everyone wants to live a happy life. This can be a difficult task for many college students because of adjusting to newfound independence, stepping outside of your comfort zone and handling a huge workload. However, there are many ways a college students can juggle all these things and be happy at the same time. Below are tips on how to be happy:


Be thankful – Being thankful for the good things in your life can help you cope with the negative. Feeling grateful about the positive aspects of your life can help you realize that the positives overshadow the negatives.


Call someone that has impacted your life – Calling someone that had a positive impact in your life can cheer you up and help you reminisce about good times. This can also cheer up the person on the other end of the line.


Be Positive. For every negative, think of three positives. This can help remind you of the positives in your life that outweigh the negative and stressful things in your life.


YogaThe deep breathing practiced in yoga activates the parasympathetic nervous system, producing a calming, relaxed effect. This relaxation can temporarily distract you from stress and help prep you for your school work.


Exercise – Exercising can assist in releasing tension in a beneficial way. Exercising can not only benefit your physical health but your mental health. Releasing stress in a healthy way can help increase happiness,


Smile – Smiling can help spread positive vibes and in turn these positive vibes can help you view life from a different angle and make you happier.


Treat yourself –  At the end of every stressful week, treat yourself to something you enjoy (a movie, frozen yogurt, art). These activities can help you feel motivated throughout the week because it will give you something to look forward to. Additionally, it can assist in relieving stress because you are doing something you love.