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The Process of Getting To and Through Your 8 A.M. Class

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at TAMU chapter.

There are 3 types of people in regards to 8 a.m. classes: Those who have no choice but to take one because the required class they need to graduate is only during this time, those who choose to take an 8 a.m. so they can get done with the school day earlier, and those who avoid them at all costs. Why 8 a.m.’s exist is a mystery and getting to them can be a challenge. Here is the process you go through in trying to make it to your 8 a.m.:



1. The dreaded alarm

Anyone ever feel physically sick when they hear their alarm go off? Join the club. The alarm for an 8 a.m. is dreadful because of how early it is and even the simplest task, such as opening your eyes is a doozy. Also, it just so happens to ring during all the good dreams too.


2. Contemplating if class is worth it

You haven’t even tried to get up yet because your comfy and warm bed is just too hard to leave. You start to wonder if getting up, getting ready, and trekking across campus to class is even worth it. You might turn over and go back to sleep or you might further contemplate getting up if your 8 a.m. class is one that counts attendance for a grade.


3. Finally getting up

After enough thinking you finally decide A) That you’re getting out of bed and B) That you are going to class. Getting out of bed is one struggle but navigating in your pitch dark room is another. It is dark and your eyes are all squinty and then bam! You turn that light on to see where you are walking and also to wake you up just a little more but all the light really does is make it so you can’t open your eyes all the way. Yup, definitely not a morning person.


4. Getting ready half asleep

Brushing your hair and teeth, getting dressed, and putting your shoes on while being half asleep should be a sport. Okay, that’s dramatic but it can be a lot harder than it needs to be and it can take a while because of how sluggish you are. Then once you notice how much time you have left to get to class, you just sort of rush the getting ready process. You could literally walk out of your home with two different shoes on and that’s okay because you won’t notice until way later anyway.


5. The bus ride

Now this right here is unique for people who take the shuttle bus to campus. If you’re lucky enough to get a seat on one of the shuttle buses so early in the morning then you’re probably going to fall asleep thanks to the vibrations of the bus. You may even fall asleep if you’re standing, if you’re holding on to the rails tightly. Just make sure you don’t fly out of your seat and/or down the aisle because the buses tend to break out of nowhere.


6. Booking it to class

It would be such a waste if you decided to get out of bed and made it to class late. That being said, it is really common to cut it close. You may want to speed walk it to class to make it on time.


7. Sitting in class

Great, you made it. However this is only part of the battle. Now you have to force yourself to stay awake so that you can actually take legible notes that make any sort of sense. Good luck, you’re going to need it.


8. Trying to pay attention

Lecture has only been going on for 15 minutes and you are already behind. If you close your eyes for even 2 seconds then you will fall asleep and coming to class would have been for naught. You are going to have to fight the urge to sleep a little more but you can give yourself a pat on the back for making it to class.


9. Going to your next class/going home

You could get a coffee before your next class or you might already be all woken up from forcing yourself awake in your first class. If you’re lucky, your 8 a.m. is your only class of the day so you are probably rushing back home. Either way, at least that 8 a.m. is done and over with.


10. Reuniting with your bed

There is something special about getting home and seeing your beloved bed. You can’t help throwing your backpack across the room and maybe even throwing yourself on the bed.


8 a.m.’s can have you feeling super tired but this is nothing a good nap can’t remedy. Change into some comfortable jammies, it doesn’t matter what time it is and pull those covers right over you. Silence your phone or set it to “Don’t disturb” and commence the napping!

Danielle Villa is an Animal Science major and Entomology minor at Texas A&M University. She spends most of her time studying to get into veterinary school but when she isn't, she's writing, watching Korean dramas, and giving all the cuddles to her dog.
"There is nothing to writing. All you do is sit down at a typewriter and bleed." – Ernest Hemingway Carina received her B.A. in English from Texas A&M University in May 2019. She was employed on campus at the University Writing Center as a Writing Consultant and in the Department of English as a Digital Media Assistant. She was the Editor-in-Chief for the Her Campus at TAMU chapter and was also the President of TAMU’s chapter of Sigma Tau Delta, the English Honor Society. She previously interned with the Her Campus National Team as a Chapter Advisor and with KVIA ABC-7 News as a News Correspondent Assistant.