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How to Get Luscious Lips & A Kissable Kisser

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at TAMU chapter.

Ever wondered how to get that soft, desirable pout? It takes more than a swipe of your chapstick! Follow these eight tips:

Don’t sugarcoat

Consuming too much sugar can cause cavities (ew!) and dry out your mouth – and both are major contributors to bad breath.

Unpack it

Toss out that cigarette pack! Smoking not only saturates your oral tissues with that unmistakable “cigarette” smell, but the carcinogens (i.e. the gross, cancer-causing chemicals) can kill your mouth’s immune system and inhibit its ability to kill off bad breath germs and more. 

Technique is everything 

Proper brushing makes a HUGE difference in how fresh that kisser is. Be sure to use soft, circular motions on the cheek-side, tongue-side, and chewing surfaces of your teeth. Each area should be brushed for about 30 seconds, totaling to a full two and a half minutes. 

Flossing is super important as well. What else is going to get the gunk from in between your teeth that your toothbrush can’t reach? Start with a piece of floss about as long as your forearm—yes, I’m serious—and wrap it around your middle fingers. Use your pointer fingers for your back teeth and your thumbs for the teeth closer to the front. Keep the floss in a tight, c-shape around each tooth and take care to not snap it in and damage your gums. Use a fresh section of floss for each tooth. Bonus points for using a minty fresh flavored floss! 

Cut off the crust

Apply any kind of oil (try olive, coconut, or almond) to your lips and then use your old toothbrush to lightly exfoliate your lips for a super soft, pillowy pout. 

DIY lip scrubs work wonderfully and are perfect for a quick pamper before a date. Oil + sugar + honey + your favorite essential oil or extract for flavor.

Brighten your day

Are your teeth hanging onto that coffee stain from late night study sessions? Try a tooth whitener! They’re safe to use and can really make your smile pop. Whitening strips or gels with 10 percent or more of hydrogen peroxide (not carbamide peroxide) are the best options and can take as little as 15 minutes. Just be sure to avoid coffee, red wine, and dark sodas or foods for the rest of the day. 

Mint condition 

Gum or mints that are sweetened with the ingredient xylitol are the healthiest for your teeth and gums. Xylitol is proven to kill the germs that cause dental decay and bad breath! 

Hold your licker 

Licking your lips dries them out instead of adding the moisture you want. Drink plenty of water, and keep a balm on hand that has a combo of emollients (moisturizers like shea butter or coconut oil) and protectants (waxes like beeeswax). Be sure your balm has both to get the softest, healthiest lips. 

Never go to bed matte

Matte lipsticks are really trendy right now, but can have your lips looking crispy. Alternate them with moisturizing lippys (look for oils and glycerin in the ingredient list) to keep the crunch at bay.