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What Every Girl in her 20’s Should Know (As Told By Sex In The City)

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Syracuse chapter.

Approaching your 20’s seems scary. While many of us have been dreaming of the day we are no longer teenagers, being an adult means we are one step closer to living in the real world. However, there are many fun things to look forward to in your 20’s, from graduating to bachelorette parties, to landing your first job.

Here are a few things you should know by the time you are twenty!

1. Learn How to Budget

By now, chances are you are taking care of your own finances. The earlier you start saving and learning how much you can spend, the easier it will be to afford your first apartment and be financially independent from your parents.


2. Master the Art of Interviewing


Your 20’s are the prime time to start your career and (hopefully) land your first internship. Although a good interview will not guarantee the job, it will set you apart from others, and companies will remember you for months to come. Interviews are also an important aspect of networking and the only chance you get to truly show the employer who you are.

3. Learn to Speak Up

The more independent you become, the more important it is to speak up for yourself. Do not let people take advantage of your kindness. Tell others when they upset you, and ask the barista to fix your coffee order if it’s wrong. If you never say anything, people will never know.  

4. Cherish the People Around You

Your early 20’s are filled with dating, love, and friendships. It’s important to realize, however, that people will come and go, but we must learn to cherish the ones who choose to stay. Even when you are catching up with your new best friend, or some new beau, don’t forget the people that have been there for you all along.

5. Take a Compliment

Being confident is key if you plan on succeeding in all aspects of life, and part of it is knowing how to take a compliment. If someone tells you that you’re beautiful or praises your work, simply accept it and say thank you. Don’t ever downgrade a compliment by saying that you don’t agree or that the work you did was easy. Confidence is beautiful and nothing to be ashamed of!

6. Care for Your Skin

While your skin is probably glowing right now during your post-acne and pre-wrinkle era, keep in mind that it’s not going to last forever. Therefore, lather on the sunscreen, drink tons of water, and develop a soothing skincare routine. A long night out is no excuse to go to bed with your makeup on! You will thank your 20-year-old self in a few years.

7. Fool Me Twice, Shame On Me

Your 20’s are a time to experiment and make mistakes. That doesn’t mean you should keep making excuses for that guy or friend who has treated you wrongly one too many times. It’s time to accept some things the way that they are, learn from them and not get down on yourself when problems occur. Just promise you won’t repeat yourself!

8. Dress for the Enemy

This is the age where your body has finally grown into itself, which means it is about time you embrace it! Stop trying to fit into those jeans you wore in high school, don’t hide your curves under baggy clothes, embrace your flat chest with ruffled tops, and just have fun with whatever you wear. Just make sure it is appropriate and that you want to be seen in it when you take over the world!

9. Stay Young

You might feel all grown up when you reach your 20’s, but remember to never lose the child within you. Always remember your five-year-old self and strive to make her proud. So do things that you love even if they seem silly, have a private dance party in your room, go on adventures, take chances, travel the world, buy that outfit you’ve been wanting for forever, and let that little girl shine!

10. Your Current Situation Is Not Your Final Destination

Most of all, remember that where you are at right now does not define you. Whatever mess you are in, whether it’s financial, over boys, or mental, it is not forever. Take a step back and focus on how you feel and what you can do so that you feel better. In college, we tend to pile things on our plate, but remember that staying true to you is the most important factor of your life.

I'm Ana Lua. I'm currently a Marketing Management major at Whitman looking into transfering to Acting in VPA. I'm originally from Boston, but I've been moving around the world throughout my entire life to places like Brazil, China and Portugal. I love to travel and all things artsy and cute! I also like to write music and have a youtube beauty channel.