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Things You Should Think About Before Declaring Your Major

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Susqu chapter.

Starting college is tough and thinking about a major and what you want to do with your life is even harder. Don’t fear, I have some things you should think about before deciding if your major is meant for you.  

Does Your Ideal Job Require a College Degree?  

Sometimes we tend to get carried away with college applications or our goals and only think about going to college. We don’t actually sit down and think about what we would like to do and how we can get there. There are a variety of jobs everywhere that don’t require 4 years of college education or any. I see a lot of older people who went to college and are in career that didn’t require their degree. Before you commit to college, make sure it something that you can see benefiting your future.  

Will It Make You Money? 

Looking at your major, you need to take in consideration if your future job will be financially stable. After you graduate, you’ll need a job that can sustain your student loans, your living situation, and your cost of living. Maybe you won’t start out at the highest paying job, but you need to look at it overall. Will going to college for this job be worth all of the work and money? 

Are There Jobs in Your Area? 

When you get out of college, you will have to live somewhere. Whether you’re living where you grew up or are planning to move across the country, you need to think about the job opportunities. Wherever you’re living, you’ll need to think about the cost of living and how much money you can make in that area as opposed to somewhere else. You’ll also need to see if the job market is large or small in that area, and figure out if it will be easy to find a job. If you are set on where you want to live, then you should see if your major will benefit you.  

Do You Enjoy It? 

The most important thing to keep in mind with picking a major is if you will enjoy your future job. Can you see yourself staying at that job for 40 years? If yes, congratulations you’ve found your job. If no, you may want to reconsider if you’re in the right field. Money and power is nice and all, but your happiness in your job is much more important.  


Key words: Job, Major, money, college, minor, graduatio

SU' 20 • Vanderpump Rules Enthusiast • Dog Fanatic • I'm just a college girl with champagne taste on a beer budget.
I am Brooke Adams-Porter, a communications student at Susquehanna University. Just an old soul finding herself in this new world.