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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Susqu chapter.

We all know that college campus food is not the best. Home cooked meals will always top cold pre-cooked food that has been setting out all day. Not only does home cooked meals taste better but it smells, it looks better. I miss my mom’s baked mac and cheese with 4 different cheeses, and her stuffed fished with shrimp and scallops. I even miss how my dad’s grilled burger and my younger sister’s experiential dessert cake.


I don’t like to blame the workers at the caf for the food. They are a aware that it is bad, I have even heard some of them complain at how the school forces us to eat this crap. But this is the last straw. On monday I was eating a sandwich, a good sausage sandwich at that. It was my first meal since I’ve been back from break. As I go in my last few bites I discover…. mold on my bread. Now I know that I am not going to get sick from eating this type of mole, but it’s just the thought that makes me want to puke. My guess is that they probably haven’t changed the bread that had been sitting there since before break. I decided to boycott eating at the cafe from the rest of the year. I couldn’t take it anymore.

Tuesday comes and I decided to eat an other eatery on campus. I have never had any problems with eating there other than the long lines, but if you think about long lines are a good sign. It means that people like to eat at this place and want to come back for more. I ordered a buffalo chicken melt and take apart my pre cut sandwich. I notice that there is a piece of long blonde hair that is wedged in the middle of my sandwich. Am I being targeted or attacked? Two disgusting food mishaps in the time span of 24 hours.

Not only am I being served terrible food, but I am being served by places that have horrible  cleanliness standards. I think the worse part about this whole thing is that the school doesn’t even allow first-years, sophomores, or juniors to opt out of a meal plan until senior year. I don’t even have a kitchenette in my suite! Only earlier this year we were told we were allowed to microwaves in our dorms. They are trying to take students out one by one. And I am calling them out for it. We need a change.

I am Brooke Adams-Porter, a communications student at Susquehanna University. Just an old soul finding herself in this new world.