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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Susqu chapter.

So, it’s that time of year again. Finals aren’t here quite yet, but you can see them on the horizon. Group projects, papers, and exams will be soon be due. You can already feel the sleep deprivation. Oh, what’s a girl to do? You might be thinking that I’ve got some super secret advice on how to make it through the rest of the school year, but you’d be wrong. 

Throughout the schoolyear most of us utter some version of “I’ve got to get my life together.” The need to “get it together” only grows stronger as the semester flies by. In an effort to accomplish this you might scribble every assignment and club meeting into a planner or transform into a blanket burrito and hide from your problems. I’ve been known to do both. By now, you may have noticed that the pieces of your life don’t necessarily fit together perfectly, regardless of your method. Maybe that’s not such a bad thing. Part of life is its messiness and uncertainty. So, while you might be able to organize things a bit better, you’ll never find a way to get it all together. No one has this whole life thing down. (If you do let me know) As the semester begins winding down and you realize that your life isn’t perfect, give yourself a break. Working hard is important, but so is taking care of yourself mentally and physically. It can be difficult to do that when we’re so focused on getting it all together. So, go ahead and eat cold pizza before your 8am, enjoy your “un-together” life.

Hannah Antoine is a second year Neuroscience major, hair color enthusiast, and a proud introvert.
I am Brooke Adams-Porter, a communications student at Susquehanna University. Just an old soul finding herself in this new world.