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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Susqu chapter.

Midterms are a few weeks away, and I feel it is best for some of us to start preparing for this exams day by day as we speak! So, here are some tips I will definitely be using to study and prepare for my midterms (and even my finals!)

1) Start Early

My mom was (and still is) a firm believer in education and maintaining a great academic record. Since the beginning, she has always bought us books to study and learn from. One thing she taught us was to begin to study material given to us in school the moment we got there, actually before then. If you study and stay 2-3 chapters ahead of the class, you are able to understand it clearer in class and perform better when test/exam time comes. Not to mention, you will come out of that class actually knowing material rather than just having it memorized for a good grade. However, I know most of us do not study until the night before/morning of an exam and then never look that material over again.

2) Create A Study Guide

You most likely will know everything that is going to be covered on the exam well in advance. With that, go through each chapter and make sure to know all the terms and definitions defined in the book, as well as main key points and ideas. If your professor covers /mentions it in class more than once, it will probably be on your exam. Check out any notes you took in class as well. Even if mentioned once, there could be extra credit on things that seem trivial at the time. It is best to look at everything and put it into a study guide.

3) Make A Group Study Session.

I always find that when I study alone, I get distracted. I mean, I get it; when I am with other people, they motivate me to stay focused and on task. Now don’t get me wrong, sometimes other people can lead you to be distracted and get into other conversations. I find it best that if you make study groups with people that are not your best friends, but more so acquaintances that you get along with in class. This way you get work done, get the help you need, and do it all while remaining focused and on task.

4) Ask For Help!

Your professors are there for a reason! Sure, they give you homework assignments and enlighten you on a certain topic in the class that they are paid to teach, but your professors are not only there for that class period to help you. They have office hours for a reason. Believe or not, professors love when their students come during offices hours for extra help. It shows that you’re bold, determined, and want nothing but the best for yourself. Reaching out to your professors now will also be good networking on your part for when you need recommendations in the future.

5) De-stress!

Take a break! Studying for 10-12 hours straight is not healthy for your mind and body. Not to mention that you probably won’t remember as much if you try to retain all of that information in one setting. Study for a good amount of time, then go take a walk, eat, shower, do whatever you can to give your mind a break. This way, you can relax, unwind, and after a while, you can go right back to studying. Your mind will be refreshed and ready for action!

Hopefully these tips will help you out! So start getting ready, midterms week is closer than you think!

I am Brooke Adams-Porter, a communications student at Susquehanna University. Just an old soul finding herself in this new world.