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3 Tips on Maintaing Long Distance Relationships

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Susqu chapter.

Lets just start off by saying that long distance relationships are hard! College can be hectic but trying to maintain a happy and healthy relationship on top of everything else can be exhausting. Here are three tips to make the ride a little bit smoother.

1) Communicate! Communicate! Communicate!

Communicate with your partner. There is nothing worse than feeling left out of the picture. Even having small nonchalant conversations will bring you closer. Tell your partner about the highlights (or lowlights) of your day, or tell them about a funny situation that happened to you. Talk about your classes, and your extra-extracurricular activities. You can even make plans on when you will see each other next!


2) Understand That You Both Have Busy Schedules

You have to understand that you are both in college, and handle a full load of classes. You are both involved in campus activities and sports. Exchange schedules to come up with a common free time on when you two can just talk.


3) Never Miss Out On Time Spent Together

Plan to spend breaks together, go visit your partner at their university. Plan day trips together. Most importantantly plan cuddle days, no one can ever go wrong with cuddle days.


I am Brooke Adams-Porter, a communications student at Susquehanna University. Just an old soul finding herself in this new world.