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How to Clean Each and Every Beauty Tool to Satisfaction

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Suffolk chapter.

Before this past summer, I had honestly never cleaned my makeup brushes. I wasn’t as fully into makeup as I am now, and didn’t use as much. Once I started to use more brushes for a whole new plethora of products, I realized it was time to learn how to clean them. After I began cleaning my brushes I became slightly obsessed, and now find myself researching (partly in procrastination for other things that I need to get done) how to clean just about every beauty tool I own, and how often to do so.


Regular Makeup Brushes

Everyone has an opinion on how they believe the true “correct” way to clean your makeup brushes is. Truthfully, there are only a few things you need to know: your brushes should be cleaned every 1-2 weeks depending on the usage. They need to be cleaned because of bacteria, dirt, dead skin cells (I know, the thought of that makes me cringe too), and oils that they collect. They can be cleaned with anything that will wash gently, such as baby shampoo, dish soap (which will also disinfect), and several other homemade remedies. Makeup brushes are an investment, so taking care of them properly is a must!

Step 1. Wet your brush bristles under water, without getting the handle wet (this could loosen the glue that holds the head and handle together!).

Step 2. Put a dab of whichever cleaning liquid you chose onto the palm of your hand and swish your brush around in it.

Step 3. Run the brush bristles under water again, and work the liquid out of the bristles. Repeat steps if necessary!

Step 4. Gently towel dry the brush, and then lay it out overnight to dry. Fluff the bristles if needed to get them back to their original shape.


Makeup Sponges:

For any kind of makeup sponge, such as a Beauty Blender, you can pretty much repeat the same process as cleaning brushes. Except in this case, you can fully wet it. You will most likely need to repeat the whole procedure multiple times before your sponge is clean, because of the amount they absorb.

Note: You should be wetting and drying your sponge before every use!


Metal Tools and Mascara Wands

Tweezers, eyelash curlers, nail clippers, etc. all fall under the category of metal beauty tools. These tools as well as mascara wands should be cleaned every few uses because of the contact they have with your skin.

Step 1. Gather rubbing alcohol, cotton balls, and cotton swabs.

Step 2. Place the rubbing alcohol first onto the cotton ball or swab you’re going to use, and then thoroughly clean your metal tools!

Step 3. Pat them dry with a paper towel and voila! They are good to go and sanitized.


Hair Brushes/Combs

Depending on how much hair you have and how often you brush, you might find yourself pulling the excess hair out of your brush daily. Although some people might consider that process the extent of their brush cleaning, there’s actually another part that you’re probably missing.

Step 1.  Remove all hair from brushes.

Step 2. Fill your sink up with warm water, and then add baby shampoo, or a similar substance.

Step 3. Soak your brushes and combs in the water and swish them around.

Step 4. Lay them out to dry with bristles facing DOWN. When they are left facing up to dry, water often gets trapped which encourages bacterial growth.


Makeup Bag/Case

Your makeup bags and cases need to be cleaned after you’ve cleaned your brushes and tools. If not, you’re just putting clean items into a dirty container! To clean just simply take an alcohol soaked cotton ball and wipe thoroughly.


Loofahs and Shower Poofs

Ok – I know what you’re thinking. Cleaning my loofah, really? Yes, really. Just because the shower is the place where you go to get clean, doesn’t necessarily mean that your loofah or shower poof is automatically clean! Since these are typically left pretty warm and wet after each use, it creates the perfect place for bacteria to grow. These actually need to be cleaned every month, and the process is super easy.

Step 1. Just throw it in the washing machine! I just toss mine in every month or so when doing a load of colored delicates.

Step 2. Pat dry with a towel, and you’re good to go!


Curling Irons and Flat Irons

These hot tools collect oils from your hair which are trapped by the heat of the tool. Once again, shocker, this creates a perfect environment for bacteria to grow. Just follow these easy steps after every few uses:

Step 1. If you have just used your tool, make sure it has cooled off first. Then wet a warm towel.

Step 2. Use baking soda and the wet towel to scrub the tool free of buildup. You will be amazed at how clean it looks! You may even notice a difference in its performance as well.


Blow Dryer

Blow Dryers can easily overheat if they are not cleaned out. A ton of hair and dust gets trapped inside, and needs to be taken out through the back. To clean simply remove the back cover and use cotton swabs, cotton balls, or a toothbrush to clear it out!


Facial Cleaning Device

If you use any special brushes to clean and cleanse your face, such as a Clarisonic, you will need to clean it once a week.

Step 1. Remove the brush head.

Step 2. Using antibacterial soap, work your fingers through the bristles. Rinse with warm water and repeat!Step 3. Leave the two pieces to air dry separately on a towel over night!