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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Suffolk chapter.

Nothing says,“Happy Holidays” quite like four exams, two papers, and multiple group projects! It’s that time again… the time in the semester where finals are quickly approaching, all your overdue work is hitting crunch time, and your hours of sleep are dwindling down. So, for those of you who

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would rather relate to memes then to start studying… here’s finals week told through some of my favorite memes.


1.) When you look ahead to Finals week, and you decide that this semester it’s going to be different and you are going to study in advance.


2.) But then you remember…priorities.

3.) So you convince yourself you don’t really need to put in that extra time to study.


4.) You decide time to start show that show that everyone’s raving about.


5.) But then you remember what you have ahead of you.

6.) So you go to that 8 AM class that you hate the professor for the first time in a while.


7.) And your snarky professor aggressively reminds you about their final.

8.) So, you figure you should go to the library and try to study.


9.) But then you realize how much studying you actually have to do.

10.) And you begin to fall behind on your sleep.

11.) So you debate getting that 4th coffee of the day.

12.) Then you show up to your final dressed in your, blood, sweat, and tears.

13.) And you realize your studying failed you.

14.) Yet you just go with the flow…

15.) And just hope that the odds are in your favor.

Happy Finals Week!