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12 Things to Know About Studying Abroad at Suffolk Madrid

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Suffolk chapter.

If you are like me, one of the most appealing aspects of Suffolk was the study abroad program. Suffolk makes the opportunity to study abroad anywhere very accessible, but it is especially easy to study at our very own Madrid campus. Since it is technically still Suffolk University, everything is virtually the same except for the location. But there are still a few things to know if you are interested in spending a semester there.


1.     The school set up is unique

While the school considers there to be a “campus” there is actually no more than just one building. You will see almost everyone almost everyday you are on campus, which can be a blessing and a curse. However, the blessing aspect brings me to my next point…


2.     The Suffolk Madrid Students and Staff will become your family

Since there is only one building and a small community of students and faculty, you get to know your peers in very dear ways, and you will make friends for life.


3.     No wifi will suck at first… but it’s a blessing in disguise.

Suffolk will supply you with a flip phone and a Spanish SIM card that will grant you most internet access that you will need, however most likely not as much as you are used to. Not being able to use your phone all day everyday is something that takes adjusting, but in reality not using your phone is going to enhance your experience. Take a break from the Internet and enjoy your beautiful surroundings.


4.     One stop shopping is a very hard thing to do

We are so accustomed to Wal-Mart’s and CVS’s that have everything you need and more. However, Madrid is a little different. While there are some large department stores, mostly everything you buy is from a localized, specialty store. While you may have to go to two or three different little grocery shops just to get dinner, you’ll quickly become attuned to this quirky Spanish habit.


5.     Meal protocol may come as a surprise

Breakfast is small, lunch is huge and dinner is tapas (small little bar snacks). And that’s the way it goes. But you’re not getting any tapas before 8 or 9 p.m. because that is when the dinner bell is. And also don’t be surprised when lunch takes 2-3 hours, because the Spaniards take lunch very seriously. And at almost every meal, you can pretty much count on bread being a standard item on the table. Score.


6.     Attire is different

Another thing that often times shocks American students is the fact that people do not wear sweatpants to class. I know, crazy. Who knew that you could actually sit through a class in jeans??


7.     Pickpocketing is SO real

Unfortunately, it is just the way it is. They do it and they do it well. But you do learn to be more cautious of your stuff pretty quickly… although usually that lesson is learned the hard way.


8.     Madrid really never sleeps…

Madrid’s nightlife is c r a z y. Clubs and bars are open until 7/8 a.m. I would not be surprised if the term “party til the sun comes up” was made up in Madrid.


9.     … Except during siestas

So if you’re not sleeping at night, what better time to sleep than 2-5 p.m. Every day. Almost all the local shops shut down, then reopen later, so don’t even think about doing much of anything during that time other than catching some z’s for yourself.


10.  Cultural differences take some time to adjust to

The whole ‘speaking another language’ thing is pretty tricky at first, but being able to hold your own conversation in Spanish is exciting. But also be aware that talking to a Spanish person warrants two kisses on the cheek every single time.


11.  But Suffolk Madrid will help and provide you with anything you need

The staff is so accommodating and will bend over backwards for any of their students. They make the transition process very simple.


12.  And last but not least, Suffolk Madrid is truly amazing.

While everyone’s experience is different, we are truly so lucky to be able to have this once in a life time opportunity, and we are even luckier that SUMC is filled with so many great people and experiences. (And not to mention, they don’t even offer Friday classes. Like I said, amazing.) There are so many more things you should know about SUMC, but I’ll stop here and hopefully you get to figure out the rest yourselves. ¡Adios bellas