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10 Times SpongeBob Described Life as a College Student

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Suffolk chapter.

1. The face you make when your alarm goes off any time before noon as you lay in bed and contemplate if the day is really worth getting up for. 

2. The face you make at your friends when the professor assigns a project and lets you pick your group.  

3. Waiting in line at the bookstore during the first week of classes. 

4. The internal struggle of trying to motivate yourself to keep studying when you have so many episodes left to binge-watch on Netflix.

5. When you pull an all-nighter studying for the exam and draw a complete blank on the first question asked. 

6. When you’re at dinner and remember you forget to submit the online assignment that was due 12 minutes ago.

7. The feeling you get when your professor says that attendance isn’t mandatory for their class.

8. When you have presentations, exams, projects, online assignments, and have to run a 10k all by 11:59 pm. 

9. Getting ready to go out with your friends and avoid all other responsibilities for a few hours. 

10. One word: Finals