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What We’re Watching: Brooklyn Nine Nine

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Strath chapter.

Brooklyn Nine Nine is an American police comedy series that is seriously addictive. The characters personalities are so funny that you can’t help but be hooked after the first episode. The show encompasses something for everyone and is very relatable!

The will they/won’t they nature of Jake and Amy’s relationship in Series 1 is just one of the many reasons that this series is addictive. Jake and Charles have a brotherly bond that comes across so genuine you can’t help but love them! Sargent Terry Jeffries is also a very lovable character with his tough exterior but soft, loving personality. 

Catch the first few seasons on Netflix now!  

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I'm Marjorie, studying towards a BA Hons Degree in International Business. I have always lived in Glasgow and love what it has to offer in terms of shopping, restaurants and nightlife! In September 2016, I embarked on my international exchange to Milan, Italy for 4 months which I absolutely loved!! Studying abroad allowed me to meet some lovely new friends, taste delicious food and visit beautiful lakes and cities nearby. I love going out with friends, getting dressed up, trying new things and meeting new people!