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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Strath chapter.


We all have that dream job in mind, however to get there we must finish university first! Keep working towards the long term goal and until you are content with where you are!



Without sounding like your mum here, starting is most definitely the hardest part. Don’t over think it, when you sit down and put your mind to something, rewards soon follow. 



Positivity and confidence is key to be successful in life. Be proud of yourself and let your hard work be noticed!



The feeling of accomplishment when you meet a goal you have set is priceless! Hard work really does pay off!



And finally, don’t we all?


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Hi, my name is Caitlin and I am a third year BA (Hons) International Business student currently majoring in Marketing and Entrepreneurship. I am a lover of all things beauty and makeup related and in my spare time I love to read fashion and beauty blogs to keep up with the latest trends. I am also a keen traveller, having spent 4 months studying in Montreal, Canada last year which was the best experience of my life to date!