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Campus Cutie: Eva Doolan

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Strath chapter.

Name: Eva Doolan

Age: 18

Year: First Year

How would your friends describe you?

Clever (though I wouldn’t say that about myself!!), a wee bit weird and likes a laugh.

What’s your ideal night in?

A night with my pals, chilling in jammies, watching mean girls and eating a lot of food (there has to be ice cream cake!).

What’s your ideal night out?

When I’m out with everyone I know – I like going out with a big group and seeing people that I haven’t seen in ages. Basically everybody completely drunk and yoloing.

Who is your celebrity crush and why?

Uhm…. The guy that plays Gale in The Hunger Games (Liam Hemsworth). I like that he’s a strong character.

Weird fact about yourself?

When I was little I used to make up my own words, and they still get used. The one I use all the time with my family is the word ‘meggy’. The word came about when I was playing a game called ‘Misfits’ with my sister Elena. The aim of the game was to make up a body with cards that had different body parts on them. My one had a head that was a scarecrow but it looked like an egg. I said “meggy” instead of “egg” as in, “Ew, that’s so meggy!” It now means a person that is really pale, has a pasty face, a shiny forehead and looks like they smell of egg. People that make you feel sick. An example of this person is Daniel Bedingfield. (She could not continue as she was laughing too much at this story.)

Favourite memories of Uni so far?

The first night of freshers – after boasting to my new flatmates about being a heavyweight drinker, I went out and bought a bottle of wine and tanned it in half an hour. Skip forward 3 hours later and I’m being sick in a random guy’s sink!

Favourite phrase?

“Oh my God, I totally pigeoned that” Meaning: When somebody says something stupid and you recoil and make a face and look like a pigeon.

Where do you see yourself in 10 years?

Being a pharmacist in a hospital. Hopefully earning a lot of money, with a nice house. Two kids, preferably girls. Oh, and a husband that’s either a doctor or an architect.

I'm Charlotte! I'm studying Politics and Journalism & Creative Writing at The University of Strathclyde. I enjoy going to concerts, comedy clubs, reading dystopian novels and partying with friends.