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5 Signs You’re Starting to Adult

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Stony Brook chapter.

Adulting is hard and some of us seem to try to avoid it like the plague. Adulting is closely associated with quote-end-quote real world and, quite honestly, the real world can be scary.

However, there comes a time in every college student’s life when they start to do the impossible; they start to adult. 

It’s a process that sometimes sneaks up on you. Often, you don’t even realize that it’s happening. To avoid the crazy phenomenon of not knowing, here are five signs that indicate that you, my friend, are starting to adult.

1. Thinking about the future does not completely terrify you. In fact, you sometimes even get excited thinking about the many wonders that post-college life can bring. Don’t get me wrong, you’re still aware of all the difficulties that post-college life has: jobs, rent, bills, etc. But, your level of apprehension is significantly lower.

2. You’ve have stopped making excuses. Sometimes you are at fault and that’s okay. Rather than avoiding responsibility, you own up to your mistakes and try to make them better.

3. You’ve realized that perfection is impossible and you’re okay with that. You have finally truly begun to understand what Hannah Montana meant when she sang “Nobody’s perfect! I’ve got to work it!  Again and again ‘till I get it right.  Nobody’s perfect!” Instead of striving to always be perfect, you strive to be the absolute best and most awesome version of yourself. 

4. You’ve learned to prioritize your responsibilities. Hanging out with your best friend is important; studying for a final exam that is worth half your grade is more important. You choose to study first and socialize later.

5. You understand that not adulting one hundred percent of time is okay. Sometime it’s okay to act a little juvenile (Just be responsible!). You know that importance of having a little bit, or a lot bit, of fun and stress relief. It may not seem like the mature, adult-y thing to do but you know that it’s as important as all of the other things on your to-do list. Let me let you in on a little secret, even when you’re not adulating, you’re still an adult! I know, crazy right?

Congratulations, you are starting to adult!  Good job and keep up the good work. Be proud of yourself because, while it is necessary, ADULTING IS HARD.

Beauty lover surviving college one step at a time!
Her Campus Stony Brook Founder and Campus Correspondent Stony Brook University Senior Minnesotan turned New Yorker English Major, Journalism Minor