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Studying Abroad: Don’t Be Afraid to Be Different

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Stonehill chapter.

If you are looking to study abroad in the future, you might have thought about studying in London, Paris, Barcelona, Sydney, or Florence. And why wouldn’t you? These are all beautiful cities and were named the five most popular destinations to study abroad by the Huffington Post. Despite the popularity of these cities, you shouldn’t limit your options. Studying abroad is all about getting out of your comfort zone and trying new things, and choosing a city based on popularity would be a mistake. This world is filled with culturally rich and diverse countries and cities that you just might be overlooking.

    The Czech Republic is probably not the first country you think of when you envision yourself studying abroad. However, if you are the kind of person who wants to travel around Europe, it should be. The Czech Republic is located in central Europe, which would make traveling around the continent on your weekends more accessible, and most importantly cheaper. Day or weekend trips to Poland, Germany, and Austria are certainly not out of the question when studying in the Czech Republic. Also, in the Czech Republic lies the city of Prague, which is known as one of Europe’s most beautiful tourist attractions.

    Another place that students might fail to notice when making their decision is New Zealand. Australia is far more popular than New Zealand, but this beautiful country should not be ignored. New Zealand could be enjoyed by laid back people who enjoy mild weather and beautiful landscapes. The fast-paced lifestyle of cities like Sydney, Australia might be too much for some people, which would make New Zealand a great fit for someone who enjoys both having fun and some downtime.   

     Finally, the last place you might have disregarded is Austria. Like the Czech Republic, Austria might be an obvious choice for people because it is not as popular as places like London or Paris. Austria is also centrally located, which makes it a great fit for any travel enthusiast. In addition, it’s beautiful castles, landscapes, and culture are something that you should not neglect when making your decision.

    The Czech Republic, New Zealand, and Austria all have one thing in common: They are  different than the norm. I am not saying anything negative about any of the popular countries, I am only saying that you should not rule out a country that isn’t the typical choice. Wherever you go will be memorable, and you should trust your instincts. Doing a good amount of research on the country wouldn’t hurt either, because choosing a country that is right for you is the most important step.  All of the adventures that follow will prove that the research and time you spent on this decision was well worth it. And remember, do not overlook any place because you never know what exciting new cultures or countries you might be missing out on!

Photo Source: http://www.sunshineestates.net/property_for_sale_in_prague.html

Kate McCarthy is  a senior at Stonehill College in Easton, Massachusetts. She is a Communications major and a journalism minor. Although she does not know what she wants to do when she graduates, her dream job is having her own talk show and becoming a one woman sensation, like Oprah. At Stonehill, you can find her  winning championships with her intramural basketball team, swimming laps in O'Hara Pond or reading James Patterson novels in the cafeteria. After a semester studying abroad in the Czech Republic, her main goal in life is to travel the world. She is currently interning in Los Angeles, at the Queen Latifah show.