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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Stonehill chapter.

This Thanksgiving I was lucky enough to travel to New York City for the week and explore the Big Apple with my mom and sisters. Although I was a bit upset that I wasn’t able to celebrate a traditional Thanksgiving with a big extended family, I realized how lucky I truly was. The week leading up to Thanksgiving break I kept thinking about how I would miss a big, homemade turkey dinner, sleeping in my own bed, and hanging out with my high school friends. It wasn’t until I was able to look around in the center of an overpopulated, smelly yet amazing place that I realized how much I had to be thankful for.

Lately my stress level has been high with the end of first semester, a copious amount of homework and group projects, and a nonexistent bank account. I’m aware that these stressers are all normal for a college student, but being in the city gave me a new sense of gratitude. As I looked around at thousands of different faces, all coming from different races, genders, social classes and anything in between, it was amazing to realize that I am a small part of a big world. Beyond that, I am lucky enough to be able to travel, to be with my family, to be stressed about attending an amazing school and most of all I am blessed to be living. Sometimes it is important to step back from your day-to-day life and realize the bigger picture. Yes, you may be upset that you have a C in calculus, but you are so incredibly fortunate to attend a class with great professors and a challenging curriculum.

Maybe my cliché epiphany in NYC doesn’t thrill some of you, but if there is one thing that I hope many of you consider this holiday season, it is a new appreciation. This could be anything: an appreciation for shelter, food, friends, family or even life in general. Don’t take your amazing lives for granted. Leading up to this Christmas season, I have decided to give back to the community with a positive attitude. I am thankful for the great world that we live in and I want people to see that positivity too. So try your best on your exams, hang out with your friends, call your relatives and tell them that you love them. Life is a gift that offers us the privilege to experience great opportunities every day!