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More to PR than Public Relations

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Stonehill chapter.

A mont   h in Los Angeles is hardly enough time to make my mark on the city- there’s still a long list of tourist attractions waiting to go in my scrap book! However, it provides enough time to make a quality first impression on the people who make up this city of opportunity- that is, the people at my internship site. I have started the semester working at a public relations firm and am learning how to have a positive presence amongst the employees.

 While public relations is about creating communication between a brand and its target audience, there are a few ways I think you should compose yourself in the office to create a positive relationship between you and your mentors. Here are some PR tips for work ethic, personality and style that are sure to get you noticed at any public relations internship- or any internship for that matter:


Productive and Relaxed  If you’re lucky, you’ll find that there is always an employee who needs your help with a project. While this is a good thing because it means you work with a bigger group of people, gain more experience, and have minimal time to be bored, it can also quickly become stressful.

 No matter what, always be happy to help, but also be aware that often times there won’t be enough hours in your work day to help everyone. Make sure you understand the priority of the tasks you are completing. Also, take note of the research that the employees initially send you so that you have a dependable model to follow and can quickly decipher if your results are worth your time and theirs. Be honest with the employees if you are skeptical in your ability to accomplish the task, but a promise that you will try your best is always a plus!


Positive Reception In addition to always being happy to help the employees, realize that it is part of their job as mentors to help you. Willingly accept advice and help. It is no secret to anyone in the office that you are brand new at your job, and chances are some of your early work will prove it. Be confident that your work will naturally improve with practice, but also be confident enough in your ability to observe, to absorb and apply new knowledge.

 One of my favorite days at my internship so far has been the day they showed me my research and explained why it was inadequate for the publicist. For some this probably sounds horrible- having professionals tell you that your work is unusable; but it the day I worked most intimately with them- exploring new tactics, asking questions I had been holding back, and feeling encouraged with future projects.


Professionally Ravish It’s cliché, but it’s also great advice: Dress. To. Impress. Even if they give you a dress code that seems more casual, always walk into your first day looking professionally composed. As a girly girl, I recommend accessories, color coordination, heels and a cute tote. However, glammed out sandals, black wrinkle-less pants, a textured shirt and colorful cardigan works just as well! If dress is more casual, proceed with caution. Make sure that no clients or executives are coming into the office the day you choose to wear comfy leggings and a sweater.

 Something besides yourself that you should also keep pretty is your work. Make sure every document you send to a mentor or employee is organized. Bold face your titles, make a legend for any color coordination, and make sure that it is aesthetically pleasing. You never know who is going to look at your work.

Kate McCarthy is  a senior at Stonehill College in Easton, Massachusetts. She is a Communications major and a journalism minor. Although she does not know what she wants to do when she graduates, her dream job is having her own talk show and becoming a one woman sensation, like Oprah. At Stonehill, you can find her  winning championships with her intramural basketball team, swimming laps in O'Hara Pond or reading James Patterson novels in the cafeteria. After a semester studying abroad in the Czech Republic, her main goal in life is to travel the world. She is currently interning in Los Angeles, at the Queen Latifah show.