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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Stonehill chapter.

Whether you are a democrat, republican, libertarian, or anarchist you have to admit Hillary Clinton is an impressive woman.

The former first lady, senator, and secretary of state has been out of the public spotlight for what seems like a while now.

This week marked a change and hope as Clinton suddenly reemerged into the spotlight. The recent event she attended was the Vital Voices Global Awards ceremony at Washington’s Kennedy Center. This event honored “women leaders from around the world who are the unsung heroines to strengthen democracy, increase economic by Browse to Save”>opportunity, and protect human rights.”

After Clinton stepped down as secretary of state in February, she led a seemingly private life for the first time in years.

Clinton, however, could not stay quiet for long. In March she endorsed same-sex marriage in a public video and is also working a book about her time at the State Department. This increasing involvement in public affairs has led to speculations about a potential bid in the 2016 election.

Clinton told CNN “I am out of politics right now.” She said she wants to continue on working on the behalf of women and girls with her writing and speech making.

Either way, I know Hillary will continue to be a pioneer for women’s rights. But as a female college student, I along with many men and women cross my fingers at the prospect of Clinton running in 2016.  


Kate McCarthy is  a senior at Stonehill College in Easton, Massachusetts. She is a Communications major and a journalism minor. Although she does not know what she wants to do when she graduates, her dream job is having her own talk show and becoming a one woman sensation, like Oprah. At Stonehill, you can find her  winning championships with her intramural basketball team, swimming laps in O'Hara Pond or reading James Patterson novels in the cafeteria. After a semester studying abroad in the Czech Republic, her main goal in life is to travel the world. She is currently interning in Los Angeles, at the Queen Latifah show.