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Top 11 Places Other than the Library

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Stetson chapter.

Sometimes the weirdest places are the most productive places during finals.  A change of scenery can help wandering eyes when you should be concentrating. 

Since the library is packed and full of chaos during finals, why not try out some of these unexpected places this finals season where you can actually have a place to sit.


The Stetson Green

Grab a blanket and get some rays while working your brain!


Flagler, Elizabeth, Sampson, LBC classrooms

Pick any classroom that’s open and get you’re study on.

Did you know if you study in the room you are taking your final in you’re more likely to remember more information?


Stetson Room

The room above the cub is open 24 hours for studying purposes!


Frat house chapter room

Friends with any frat boys? Study with them in their chapter room, but be prepared for noise at times.


Sigma Phi Epsilon’s RLC room

Sigep has a room they designated for studying.  So if your friends with a brother ask them about it!  Might be a bit noisy sometimes but some distractions are entertaining.


Your dorms lounge area

To lazy to head out? Nasty weather outside?Too much to take with you? Head down the hall to your dorms common area and set up.  Most of your doormats wont bother you if they see you’re studying.


Basement of the library

Definitely creepy down there, however you are sure to get work done.  You can’t see anyone and they can’t see you.


Sage lounge areas or class rooms

Sage is open 24 hours! But only if you’re inside before they lock the doors.  Head on over there if you need to pull an all nighter for your massive workload.


Outside at any table on campus

Don’t want to lie on the grass? Sit at any table outside on campus pull out your books and put some headphones in.  It will be like your own little world.



If you live in the apartments your swipe card will get you inside and if you don’t, ask a friend to let you in. Best part: It’s open 24 hours too!


Coffee shop

Can be noisy at times with everyone coming in for late night snacks, but its comfy and smells good.  Set up on a couch and get to work.


Happy Finals and Good Luck ;)