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Dear Abby

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Stetson chapter.

Dear Abby,

      I am still in love with my high school boyfriend and can’t seem to get over him. We still text and are friends but I cant help but get jealous when I look at facebook and see pictures of him with all these random girls! I don’t know what to do! Am I still in love with him?


Dear Anonymous,

      It is very hard making the transition from High School to college. Having a high school boyfriend in your life makes life that much harder. You need to figure out what you want. Do you want to forget about him completely, still be friends, or be in a relationship with him? I know this is much easier said than done, but once you choose a path to take it will make your life more enjoyable and less complicated. Now, I don’t know specifically what your relationship with your boyfriend was so here are my three suggestions:


Forgetting about him completely will allow you to move on and meet someone here at Stetson. I would say forget about him if:

  • You don’t seem him in your future
  • You find yourself texting him more than he is text you
  • If he has made you upset while at Stetson
  • If he has put a negative prospective on life


Still being friends with him will let you have the best of both worlds. You can still meet guys here at Stetson while maintaining your friendship with your high school boyfriend. Who knows, maybe come graduation you guys realize that you are mean’t for each other! Still be friends with him if:

  • You can handle seeing him having fun with other girls
  • You see him in your future
  • If you text each other mutually
  • If he has made the effort to come visit you here at Stetson


Staying in a relationship with your high school boyfriend during college is extremely hard but it is possible. “Near, far, where ever you are.”- Celine Dion.  Don’t let him go if:

  • You are willing to work hard at your relationship
  • He doesn’t get mad or jealous of you going out on the weekends 
  • He has done something nice for you while you are still at school
  • Makes you smile more than cry

I hope this helps you!