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The Appropriate Way to Not Wear Pants

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Stetson chapter.

A very wise woman once said, “Dresses exist for those who are no good at picking out outfits!” The majority of the female population would agree because a dress is already put together- It is a whole outfit in one piece. 

Basically, a dress is the best thing a girl can possibly own.  Dresses force you to look ready for the day, when secretly there is zero effort involved.  Another secret about dresses is that they are an appropriate way to avoid wearing pants.  You can be lazy, but presentable at the same time!  Which brings us to the new spring style: the shirtdress.



The Shirtdress literally goes with anything. Grab a belt, and whichever pair of shoes you are in the mood for that day and you are ready to strut out your door looking fabulous, with the satisfaction of hardly trying!