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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at St Vincent chapter.

            It’s the best time of the year! The semester is winding down, and everyone is getting ready for summer. Housing is over, wait lists are closed, and dorm decorations are beginning to come down. While many students are getting ready for summer, there’s one last thing in the way… finals week. Spring semester finals week is always tough, but here are a few tricks to get you through these last few weeks!


Make a plan- Write down when your finals are and what room they are in. Schedule out what days you plan to study for which exam, so you aren’t overwhelmed with preparations the weekend before. You’ll feel much more relaxed (or as relaxed as you can be!) when finals week arrives. 

Pick your study spot- I like to have a designated area to go to study for finals week. If I try to study in my room, I know I’ll get distracted and won’t be effective. Spring semester is hard, because the weather is beautiful and your friends are excited, so having an idea of where you’ll be studying will help you get ready! 

Gather all necessary materials- For me, that means lots of coffee. For my roommate, that means five extra packs of notecards and highlighters. Whatever you need to get you ready for finals week, make sure to get them all together so you have an semi-easy experience!


Have a great rest of the semester, Bearcats! Good luck on your finals! 

Juli Cehula

St Vincent '18

Hello there! I am the Campus Correspondent of the Her Campus chapter at Saint Vincent College. As a senior psychology major, I've made the most of my time in undergrad and am excited for all the doors I have opening ahead of me. I can definitely thank Her Campus for giving me invaluable skills. As a future psychologist, I hope that my articles (and the chapter's) are able to make you feel empowered, motivate you to start a conversation, and be kind. As a hero of mine has said, "If you do not take control over your time and your life, other people will gobble it up. If you don't prioritize yourself, you constantly start falling lower and lower on your list."- Michelle Obama. Be the change you want to see in the world, and smile. Always smile!