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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at St Olaf chapter.

Earlier this week, Nike launched a new initiative, #BetterForIt, which aims to inspire women everywhere to be more active, challenge themselves in new ways and achieve personal goals. The athletic company wants women to embrace fitness and sports in the ultimate “rallying cry.”

Nike has put together a series of promotional videos that feature real women struggling through real workouts. The company has embraced the idea that women prefer buying products modeled by women they can actually relate to and are moving away airbrushed models. Whether it’s completing one more pushup or running one more mile, or even participating in a triathlon for the first time, Nike wants #BetterForIt to help encourage women to reach new heights in their athletic endeavors. We all have goals, and Nike is providing us with inspiration to achieve them. 


BetterForItAbs InnerThoughts Nails