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Meet Nora Serres ’16!

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at St Olaf chapter.

Name: Nora Serres

Year of Graduation: 2016

Majos/Concentrations: Psychology and Norwegian with neuroscience and linguistics concentrations

Relationship Status: in a relationship


Favorite Place to Study: Regents hall, 4th floor, or the science library – I love the big windows!

Favorite Animal: the Barred Owl. They’re so majestic and beautiful. Sea otters are a close second :)

What is your favorite class you’ve taken at St. Olaf, and why?: I loved my freshman writing class (“Stuff” with Mary Titus). I’m not huge into essays, but this class really changed my perspective on writing.

Favorite Food: I love raspberries! And mango. Pretty much all fruits :)

Favorite Movie: Pride and Prejudice! I have to say I like the new one better, but the old BBC series is wonderful as well (hello Colin Firth).

Last show you binge-watched on Netflix: Gilmore Girls. Yes.


Favorite pick-up line?: How much does a polar bear weigh? Enough to break the ice :)

Describe yourself in one word: Fun!

Call or text?: Call if I have to pick one, but I’d much rather have a conversation in person.

What is your ideal date?: I’d probably have to say a day of walking/running/hiking/being outside, followed by dinner and ice cream! Dessert is a must :) Adventure!

Finish this sentence: A guy looks his best when… he is doing what he loves, and smiling and preferably with kids :)

Anything else you want the people of St. Olaf to know?: I love saying hi to people, and I’m sorry if I’ve said hi and you don’t know me. Writing letters to people is one of my favorite things too!