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Meet Emily Wolfe ’16!

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at St Olaf chapter.

Name: Emily Wolfe

Year of Graduation: 2016

Major/Concentration: Music with a Management Studies Concentration

Relationship Status: Single

Favorite Place to Study: the Ytterboe lounge

Favorite Sport: Soccer

What is your favorite class you’ve taken at St. Olaf, and why?: I love my voice lessons with Karen because she is like my college mom, and sometimes she gives me food.

Favorite Food: It’s a tie between grapefruit and chips!

Favorite Movie: Like Crazy

Favorite pick-up line: Is your name Josh Hutcherson? Because that’s the only way I’m gonna talk to you.

Favorite TV Show: Desperate Housewives

Describe yourself in one word: Goofy

Call or text?: Depends on the person

What is your ideal date?: Anything that involves live music (especially when my bestie is allowed to come with).

Finish this sentence: A guy looks his best when…he is being himself :)