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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at St Olaf chapter.

While November 25th marks a day for eating Thanksgiving leftovers, it also marks the release of a four-part mini series of Gilmore Girls: A Year in the Life on Netflix. So, get your pop tarts ready, coffee mugs filled and order some pizza because here are some of the most Gilmore moments ever. And, if you can name which season or episode these babies are from, you are my Lane to my Rory. 


1.) When working in a group project. 

2.) It’s not that hard to ask for. 


3.) So true. 

4.) When someone asks how you are doing at your 8am class 

5.) The ultimate diss. 

6.)  When you don’t know what to wear. 

7.) When you are still scared of spiders. 

8.) Walking into your club meeting late. 

9.) Group Work Part II 

10.) The Power of Gilmore Girls 

Image Sources: 

Thumbnail, Gif 1, Gif 2, Gif 3, Gif 4, Gif 5, Gif 6, Gif 7, Gif 8, Gif 9, Gif 10